Monday, December 29, 2008

Year End Slump

2 more days until 2009.
It's been quite a December. But the last week or so has just been zipping by. Zipping by, but not in a productive sort of way. It always makes me kind of grumpy to refelect and know that I haven't been doing more. No motivation to PS lately. Hopefully after the new year, I'll get pumped by all the festivities and new year resolutions to start doing my personal projects again.

Most recently, my only "accomplishment" was that I finished the Twilight Saga. Instead of waiting up for Santa, I was up finishing the fourth and final book, Breaking Dawn. It wrapped up nicely. Needless to say that I was wound up and suffering from Twilight withdrawal.
The whole Christmas day was spent rereading the draft of Midnight Sun and sifting through fan sites and discussion forums. I know, sad isn't it?
On Saturday, I finally got to see the movie. I was in a state of disbelief! How could they screw up the movie so badly? The movie was set at a pace so fast that you couldn't understand where the attraction between Edward and Bella came from. I was prepared for a bad movie, but that was a whole new level of bad. It's true that most movies can't compare to the books they are based on, but it's doable. Harry Potter may lack in certain areas, but the scenes and acting were far better. The Notebook, the movie was (in my opinion) quite comparable to the book (if you like that romance sort of thing). Even the Da Vinci Code movie was good.

I've gone back to reading Twilight again. Just going over the story and trying to figure out what went wrong with the movie. Hahaha. I've gone a bit over the top.

On another note, I want you guys to know I don't live and breath Twilight. I recently saw Che. It wasn't 5 hours. I think it was about 4 1/2 hours. Be warned that it is $18/adult movie ticket since it is technically two movies. It was a long movie and since I am not polished on my Che history, I couldn't fully appreciate it. But it was a pretty good film overall. I'm catching up on my Che knowledge now. Viva la revolucion!

*Edit: Note that Twilight seems to only be liked by those with 2 X chromosomes. If you know any guys who liked Twilight, let me know. Haven't met one yet, so that would be interesting.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Two-Five

Snow and a day off. Love it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Don't Bring Me Down!

I woke up in a great mood. This doesn't happen too often.
Usually the cycle is to bitch, moan, roll around, grunt, bitch some more, roll myself out of bed, and be grumpy all the way to work especially because it's too damn early to deal with people who walk all slow in the subway. Then while at the VoS, I surf the internet and work intermittently.

I came into the office and the sink isn't working, so I have to forgo washing subway grime off my hands or run to the bathroom. (FYI, I nixed the hand washing, because I didn't want to walk down the hall to wash my hands. Don't judge me!)
Then as I was reading my morning emails and the big honcho announces that as saddened as he is by telling us, there will be NO bonus this year. Luckily I already knew through the grapevine or this would've really soured my mood.

Ah well, I'm hear to tell Murphy and all this other bad karma around me, "Don't bring me down!"
Happy Tuesday.

Monday, December 8, 2008

PS Robot

My oh my, I have had a long weekend of doing absolutely nothing. And who could blame me when the weather outside is so frigid.
Luckily I did do my usual routine of swimming on Sundays despite below freezing temperatures. And I practiced some more selective color in PS.
Not works of art or anything mind-blowingly spectacular, but more practice since I haven't really PS-ed in a while.
Here is Take 2 of the Easter Moon and Gold Fever flowers photo. If you compare the 2 pictures full size, you can really see the difference. (original post was done on 11/26/2008.)

And the rest of these were done in about an hour. haha. Results of speed "shopping".
Plus, I finished Twilight and the draft of Midnight Sun. (Book 5 that will most likely not be completed as the draft was leaked. boo hoo.) Twilight is honestly a pretty good (and entertaining) book for the girls (or guys who enjoy teen romances). I single out the girls, because I honestly don't know any guys who have read this book. Now I am anxiously waiting for the arrival of Breaking Dawn (Book 2 of the saga).